General information#
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basic concepts and techniques of software development in one of the established general programming languages. The student also gains a reliable view of future developments in the field of creating and using programs. After completing the exercises and the exam, the student acquires the following competencies:
- knows how to create his own computer program with which he can solve less demanding engineering problems,
- is able to work with professional software developers, and
- is able to upgrade existing knowledge to solve more challenging problems.
- Lectures: Wednesday, 12:15 - 13:00, classroom J-II/2 (II/2)
- Project work: individual
- office hours - Monday 9 - 10, room 035
- email -
1. and 2. week, Oct 9 2024#
Computer Programming:
- Programming languages: C/C++, Visual Basic, Java, Python, Ruby, Objective-C, …
- Operating systems: Windows, MacOS X, iOS, Linux, Android, …
- Devices: computers (desktop, laptop, server), smart devices (phones, tablets)
Project work:
- Prepare programming project proposal - 5 to 7 slides.
- Project proposal presentations
3. and 4. week, Oct 23 2024#
Software development:
Project work:
- Project proposal presentations
5. week, Oct 30 2024#
Introduction to Python programming language:
- Intro to Python
- Python Homepage
- Python Documentation
- A free full Python course I like - Python Tutorial for Beginners - Learn Python in 5 Hours
6. week, Nov 6 2024#
Project work:
- Progress in past 14 days
- Q&A
7. week, Nov 13 2024#
Git and GitHub:
- Intro
- Installing Git on your computer
- Signup on GitHub
- Git - Fast Version Control System
- Tech Talk: Linus Torvalds on git
- Git Source Control Provider
- GitHub - social coding
8. week, Nov 27 2024#
Project work:
- Progress in past 14 days
- Q&A
9. teden, Dec 4 2024#
Personal website:
- A personal website - why and how
- Deadline: Dec 11 2024
Project work:
- Progress in past 14 days
- Q&A
10. teden, Dec 11 2024#
Web programming:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Develop a simple web based application for calculating area of a circle solution:
- Links:
JavaScript frameworks - some of the most popular ones:
On JS libraries:
Project work:
- Progress in past 14 days
- Q&A
11. teden, Jan 8 2025#
Project work:
- Progress in past weeks
- Q&A
12. teden, Jan 15 2025#
Final project presentations:
- Prepare a short (7 slides max) presentations on your project.
- Demonstrate the developed solution for your project.
- Present your personal website.